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Dr Great Art! Short, Fun Art History Artecdotes!

Short, hopefully fun, art history, art and visual metaphor podcasts.

Nov 25, 2019

A cursory breakdown of the first chapter from my in-the-works philosophy book for Bloomsbury Press for the "Aesthetics and Contemporary Art" Series, tentatively titled Visual Metaphor in Contemporary Art and Analytic Philosophy. A discussion of what metaphor is, in general, as a lead up to my philosophy of...

Oct 20, 2019

The Blues ethos as a strategy of persistence against melancholy. The Life Blues got me. I had a few slaps upside the head and they affect my art inspiration and production.

Sep 29, 2019

Immaturity, maturity, and the desire for the latter in art and the repression of that desire in culture at large.

Sep 1, 2019

An 'academicist' in the arts is someone who over-idealizes the art academy; one who follows the precepts taught there and insists others do so as well. Here is a short history of academicism and thoughts about the problem now.

Aug 16, 2019

Epistemology: the philosophical analysis of the search for knowledge. Does it exist in art? How and what can we know? Will it replace the ubiquitous ontological expressions in Postmodernism?