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Dr Great Art! Short, Fun Art History Artecdotes!

Short, hopefully fun, art history, art and visual metaphor podcasts.

Sep 25, 2017

The concept of "genius" in art has rightly been criticized for its sexism, exaggeration and more. However, it is possible to retain its useful aspects by redefining it as the level of achieved pervasiveness of an artist's metaphor(m).

Sep 17, 2017

What constitutes representation in a work of art? The representational nature of visual art is one of its most important, fruitful, and intriguing elements --- yet for very particular reasons.

Sep 3, 2017

Giotto, the painter who made the crucial change from the Medieval style thus beginning the Renaissance in art, painted a picture of the Star of Bethlehem which is an image of Halley's comet!